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Solor Bottle

Solor Bottle

Regular price $43.000 CLP
Regular price Sale price $43.000 CLP
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Part of our Kunsa collection, in honor of the San Pedro Culture and the desert peoples who inhabited one of the most hostile areas of the planet from 400 BC to approximately 1470 AD. Between subsistence agriculture, herding and exchange in caravans of llamas that crossed the entire Andean plateau, they developed a remarkable ceramic art, for funerary and utilitarian purposes, of ancient pottery tradition and with exceptional aesthetic characteristics: its absolute and minimal simplicity. of shapes and that deep burnished black monochrome.

These pieces are made using the same technique and ancestral designs. They are modeled by hand in clay and then burned in ovens without oxygen, which manages to impregnate the object with smoke that slowly dyes it that characteristic and hypnotic color. The result is collectible; jugs, vessels, glasses and buckets with simple, elemental shapes, and a deep black that absorbs the eye and invites contemplation. They are decorative and utilitarian, but wherever they are, you will not stop looking at them to travel again through those Andean plains, between llama caravans, deep Andean ravines and an exceptional culture.

The only decorative attempt of this type of ceramic occurs in high-necked bottles like this one through incisions and modeling with the representation of anthropomorphic faces, or geometric motifs. This cute Solor Bottle is approximately 20cm tall.

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It measures 20 cm. High.



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Recuerda que todos los objetos de Cordillerana son piezas únicas por la naturaleza de su producción en serio, NO en serie. En los tejidos, en las maderas, en la cestería, en todos los procesos, una pieza nunca es igual a la otra. Ten en cuenta estas pequeñas variaciones al momento de comprar online, donde las fotos y las medidas son referenciales y no 100% idénticas al producto que recibirás. Cuando las compres en nuestra web, procuraremos mandarte la que encontremos más linda según nuestro ánimo del día 🙃. Si tienes algún capricho especial, puedes agregarlo como nota en tu pedido. Si el azar te genera angustia, tranquil@, puedes visitarnos en nuestra tienda y elegirlas tu mism@!

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