“I grew up in that field, from birth. When I was in my mother's womb, my mother worked on it for a long time. Then you open your eyes and you see what the mother and father are doing and so you grow and learn on your own, because every day you are watching how the parents work […] So I had no reason to get trained or participate in a course somewhere else, because I had the teachers at home.”
Teresa Huaquil lives in Lumaco, a town located 120 km away. from Temuco. Their loom-woven pieces are exceptional and stand out for their fine yarn, their details, designs and the successful combination of colors. Teresa has dedicated her entire life to her craft.
This extract is part of the book that we published thanks to Fondart, with great research by Christine Gleisner and wonderful photos by Edgar Dassi Junior , as a recognition of the valuable work of the artisans who live in our southern lands and we hope that they are an encouragement for them and many others who contribute with their effort and dedication to preserving our cultural heritage.
And also, in this special collection on our website you can buy all the wonders that these artisans create with their skillful hands and dedicated science.