To deliver more and better to you, we carefully sanded and finished our website with rosehip oil. We model some sections again, we turn the pages of each product with both hands. We dedicatedly carve new menus, bake images, wash, spin and hand-knit better descriptions. We went to harvest the material for our new seeker in the mountains and dried everything next to a fire of aromatic leaf litter.
We hope that everything we have done makes it easier for you to find that treasure you are looking for. That Andean camelid ruana to cover your shoulders, that pot of earth and water baked for stews on San Juan night. We want you to not delay in giving that ancient araucaria wood fountain, that eternal parliament poncho, that battery-free toy for space children.
Because through your purchase, you support hundreds of women in their manual trades, integrating them and their communities into a circular economy network. Because through your purchase, you open a space in your homes and your life for a traditional trade, thus keeping it away from a slow agony. For a future with more workshops and fewer factories ✊🏻.