No hacemos Cyber Day, hacemos Comercio Justo todos los días

We don't do Cyber ​​Day, we do Fair Trade every day

CyberDay is one of the best-known online shopping events in Chile and follows a global trend that seeks to promote online commerce and purchases. Given that the model under which we operate does not involve overstocks or wholesale industrial production, our way of joining this initiative was by closing our online store 😎

We don't do Cyber ​​Day, we do Fair Trade every day. Today we close our online store, we don't want to sell you anything, we want to tell you what we do.

We support hundreds of women in their manual trades, integrating them into economic development. We seek to promote and disseminate traditional Chilean crafts, we do not want to make generic or fashionable objects.

We prefer things seriously rather than in series, by hand rather than by machine, different than identical, from here rather than there, workshops rather than factories. We like unique objects, handmade and with designs applied to contemporary life.

Textiles with desert alpaca wool, basketry with island plants, objects with stones from the mountains and wood from our forests. We promote fair trade, sustainable, earth-friendly, handmade and lovingly made.

We are Cordillerana, a Buenafe Foundation project

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