Ahora despachamos a todo Chile 📦🇨🇱⁣

Now we ship to all of Chile 📦🇨🇱⁣

Because we know that Chile is not Santiago. ⁣
⁣Because we sell textiles with wool from desert alpacas, basketry with island plants, objects with stones from the central Andes and wood from our southern forests. ⁣
⁣Because the mountain range goes from Arica to Punta Arenas.⁣
⁣Because we are Cordillerana.⁣

⁣Now we ship to all of Chile! 📦🇨🇱

When you fill your shopping cart in our web store, enter your address and you can choose between 2 fast shipping services, Starken and Chilexpress. Choose the one you prefer and receive your purchase no matter where you are on this long strip of land!

Many thanks to Springs Digital for giving us a ride with their integration module 🤗

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